Corona Virus Prevention

Stay Home Stay Safe

How To Prevent ?

Wash Your Place

Wash Your Place

Make sure to wash your place with and keep it clean from dirt and dust

Maintain Distance

Maintain Distance

Maintain a distance of 6 feet apart from other's to avoid getting infected

Don't Touch Face

Don't Touch Face

Don't touch your face with your hand's if they are not washed with a sanitizer

Wash Your Place

Wash Your Hand

Wash your hand with a soap or a hand sanitizer for at least 30 seconds

Wash Your Place

Use Your Elbow

Coughing and sneezing into your elbow will keep the virus off other people

Wash Your Place

Wear A Mask

You should wear a mask, even if you do not feel sick

Covid-19 Symptoms

covid symptoms

Dry Cough

Sore Throat





Things You Should Do

Wash Your Hand

Wash your hand with a soap or a hand sanitizer for at least 30 seconds

Always Wear A Mask

You should wear a mask, even if you do not feel sick

Stay Home During Fever

If you have fever stay home until you can see a doctor

Things You Should Not Do

Avoid Close Contact With Animals

Animals can carry the virus too, be careful with your bet

Avoid Close Contact With Peoples

Avoid contact with others and try to keep your distance

Avoid Crowded Area

There is a big chance to get infected in crowded areas

How To Wash Your Hands Properly

Use Water And Soap

Clean From Palm To Palm

Clean Between Fingers

Focus On Thumbs

Clean Back Of Hand

Focus On Wrist